Just in Time: Stray Kitten Seeks Shelter and Finds a Forever Cuddle

Right before a heavy rainstorm, a stray kitten made its way indoors. Now, this little feline desires endless cuddles every day.

A multicolored calico kitten had been wandering through various gardens in a Brooklyn district. A kind-hearted family extended their care by offering her sustenance. While others of her kind moved on, she remained.

This young feline, christened Nico, was initially skittish but was evidently yearning for human touch. When embraced, Nico would snuggle up, showing no urge to wriggle free. Recognizing her need for more assistance, the family contacted Gissell from Paws of Hope NYC.

Aware of the impending storm, Gissell swiftly said, “The forecast predicted dreadful rain. Without delay, I reached out to my veterinarian to arrange a health assessment that day,” as she later revealed to Love Meow.

Although Nico had to be treated for a minor flea infestation, she was largely in good health. Initially a tad anxious, she soon took comfort, letting the veterinary team handle and comfort her. “Her joy is in being cradled like an infant and she basks in all the affection she receives.”

Upon learning of Nico’s situation, Danette Oberg, a dedicated volunteer at the rescue, offered to provide a temporary home. “Paws of Hope NYC relies on a network of dedicated foster carers as we don’t have a fixed facility. Our foster community is indispensable in our mission to make a difference.”

Although understandably overwhelmed after her adventure, Nico’s innate gentleness was evident. “Though initially hesitant, she’d instantly relax into a snug embrace,” shared Danette with Love Meow. “However, she was a bit jumpy in her new environment at first.”

After a soothing bath, Nico found solace in Danette’s gentle hands. “She’d rest on my desk as I went about my tasks, signifying her newfound sense of security. She’d drift into peaceful slumbers.”

As torrents of rain wreaked havoc outside, leading to significant flooding in parts of New York, inside, Nico was nestled in a warm cocoon. “We found Nico just a day before the storm hit.”

Although still somewhat timid, Nico feels secure with Danette. “I embrace her often, reinforcing her feeling of safety.”

By morning, Danette was greeted with the soft hum of a content cat, seeking more affection. As the days go by, Nico is emerging from her protective shell, gradually discovering the joy of toys.

“She has a special spot, snuggled right against my neck. Her coat feels like pure silk.”

Nico’s serendipitous rescue ensures she’ll no longer face the harshness of the streets or the pangs of hunger. With every passing day, she’s embracing her new life, filled with endless love and pampering from her foster mother.

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